2012 Hessel International Jamboree

Friday, July 07, 2006

Tuesday June 20 – Bahia Honda State Park

Between snorkeling and our Luau night, we had time to visit Bahia Honda State Park. It is a beautiful park with plenty of beach and ocean. As we were nearing the end of our adventure, the crew chose not to return to the water for more swimming or snorkeling. Instead, they spent their time at Bahia Honda State Park beach tossing a Frisbee and enjoying the sights.

Zach showed us two cools sites that can be seen from Bahia Honda State Park. The first is the section of bridge that was blown up for the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie True Lies .

The crew was able to hike up on the old section of the bridge and out to the section that was blown up for the movie. While on the old bridge, Zach pointed out an island to the north near the Seven Mile Bridge. He informed us that island was used for most of the outdoor filming for the TV classic Gilligan’s Island.

After a couple of relaxing hours at Bahia Honda State Park, we returned to the Brinton Center to prepare for our Luau night.