2012 Hessel International Jamboree

Friday, July 07, 2006

Thursday June 22 – The Adventure Back to Gaylord

Morning flags for the last time. One last breakfast of scrambled eggs. Turning in all of our snorkeling gear to Zach. A final visit to the Ships Store.

The crew was not in a hurry but we did have a plane to catch. Zach drove us to Key West so we could pick up our rental car. We said our final good byes and we headed north to Ft. Lauderdale.

One final yell of MUNSON as we drove north past the Brinton Center.

One stop we had not made on our way to the Brinton Center was at “Robert is Here Fruit Stand”. 19200 S.W. 344th Street, Florida City Florida. http://www.robertishere.com/stand.htm

We stopped by Robert is Here Fruit Stand on our trip home and were not disappointed. We met Robert and he told us how his nephew’s Eagle Scout project was completed helping clean up after the last hurricane hit Florida City. Robert sliced and packaged fresh mango and pineapple for our crew and gave us all first class service. Robert is Here is on the road to the Everglades Alligator Farm and our crew would stop again. You should too.

The drive to Ft. Lauderdale on the Florida Turnpike went quickly and we were at the airport printing boarding passes with time to spare. We cleared security and agreed to get pizzas from a restaurant near our gate.

Our take off to Detroit was delayed because of thunder storms in the Detroit area. While in the air, our flight was placed in a holding pattern because of thunder storms in the Detroit area.

Once we had landed in Detroit we thought we were home free with time to spare for our flight to Saginaw. Unfortunately, our flight to Saginaw was cancelled because of the weather. Mrs. Schlak and Glen Schlak ( Eagle Scout, Troop 1) came to our rescue by driving to the Detroit airport to pick us up. We arrived back at the Neff’s house at about 6:00AM on Thursday morning.