2012 Hessel International Jamboree

Friday, July 08, 2016

Summer Camp Leader Spot available

As it turns out, one of our leaders for summer camp cannot attend. We have 6 leaders attending and 1 additional spot that is reserved.  

The choices I have are:
1. Fill the spot with a full time leader/parent.  The cost is $135.
2. OR- Since Jeremy is pulling the troop trailer Sunday and leaving on Monday , I could split up the week that we’ve already paid for with another leader or two who can only come for a couple days. If we do that, then the days/nights I have open are: Monday night, Tuesday, Wed, Thur, Friday.  The cost is $27 per day.

At this point I’m not aware of anyone else who was willing to go, so I will do this on a first come first serve basis.