2012 Hessel International Jamboree

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Parent notes for Camp and Packing list

Summer Camp is $300 and fee is non-refundable. If your account is not current, please be prepared to make a payment towards camp when you drop your scout off on Sunday.  If you are currently mowing then it can be a small payment, if it’s not please make a larger payment towards camp.  This is your scout’s biggest expense during the year and it is easy for the balance to get out of hand. Make the check to Troop 1.
Camp is Sunday July 17-Saturday July 23.  Please meet at Bagley hall on Sunday at 8:30 am and we hope to get on the road by 9:30.  All gear needs to be packed in troop trailer, paperwork checked, and final emergency slip signed, and payments made for camp. If your scout takes medicine then that needs to be checked in with the Leader who will be in charge of meds.