2012 Hessel International Jamboree

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Andreae Cabin campout and Hiking merit badge.

Save the date! Troop 1 has tentatively reserved the weekend of Aug 12-14 at Andreae Cabin in the Pigeon River to do the hiking merit badge. Leader Eugene Branigan and SPL Benjamin are planning this trip. The hiking merit badge is one of 3 eagle required merit badges (swimming, hiking or cycling). Mr. Branigan also has followup hikes planned for the following weekends in August to fulfill more hiking requirements. Put this date on your calendar and watch for future details. Cabin camping doesn't count for camping merit badge, but perhaps those who need camping days could sleep in a tent outside the cabin. We will ask if that is possible. We need more leaders to volunteer to go. Scoutmaster's daughter will be coming in from Arkansas so Scoutmaster will not be committing to this weekend.