2012 Hessel International Jamboree

Thursday, March 03, 2016

April Court of Honor 4/20/2016

A look ahead to the April Court of Honor on Wednesday 4/20/2016 at 7:00 pm.  A Court of Honor is a ceremony where the scouts are awarded with their rank advancement and merit and religious badges that have been earned since the last court of honor.

The reason that I'm reminding you early is that if you want a rank advancement or merit badge awarded on April 20, you MUST have turned in the paperwork by March 30. There is a significant amount of work for our Advancement Chair to do to put all this together and he needs time to get the paperwork completed and the badges ordered.

So scouts: Be Prepared, Plan Ahead and complete merit badges or ranks by March 30 that you want to be awarded in April.