2012 Hessel International Jamboree

Monday, November 03, 2014

Missed the Committee meeting on Sunday? Here's some updates and reminders.

Didn't make the committee meeting?  Here are some reminders and items that you missed.

Community Center Lock-in is this Friday.  Parents we need bake sale items for the lock-in.  Make sure your scout has spending money to purchase treats that evening.  Money made goes towards the door prize and prizes for the card tournaments.

Parents we also need volunteers for staying all night or shift of working at the lockin on Friday.  Please comment or let us know if you can help out supervising.
Wreath and Popcorn take home orders are due Wednesday.  DUE WEDNESDAY.

Next popcorn sale date is November 24 all day Monday.  Contact Mr. Elliott to schedule a time to sell.

If you've been observing your bird feeder since the Shoepac camp out, then your paperwork is due Wednesday. But you can turn in your nature paperwork anytime you've completed it.

Den Chief Training for scouts will be provided by Mr. Proux either the week of Nov 12 or Nov 19 if you are interested in being a Den Chief.  The Cub scouts need older scouts to mentor their den.

Plan to walk in the Christmas parade on Dec 6.  More details to follow on that, but we have a small committee of scouts working on the details, and we've asking the scouts to plan to dress as presents, or festive to walk in the parade.  We will be walking with the Kiwanis Club.  The parade asks that all entrants be in costume or decorated and that no one dress as Santa.  There is to be only one Santa in the parade.