2012 Hessel International Jamboree

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Boy Scout meeting reminders for tonight.

I was told Bagley is available for our Boy Scout meeting tonight.

Wreath and Popcorn take home orders are due Wednesday. DUE TONIGHT.

Community Center Lock-in is this Friday. Parents we need bake sale items for the lock-in. Parents we also need volunteers for staying all night or shift of working at the lockin on Friday.

If you've been observing your bird feeder since the Shoepac camp out, then your paperwork is due tonight. But you can turn in your nature paperwork anytime you've completed it.

Den Chief Training for scouts will be provided by Mr. Proux either the week of Nov 12 or Nov 19 if you are interested in being a Den Chief. The Cub scouts need older scouts to mentor their den. You must take Mr. Proux's training to be a Den Chief.  In addition, there is an online training available that takes 30 minutes and will print a certificate if you would like to expand your skills.
Den Chief Training