Scout Elections
The instructions that I use to do scout elections are directly from the Scoutmaster's Handbook. Please read pages 18 and 19 of this link if you would like to see how that is run. Things do change in scouting and some new positions have been added. If your scout missed tonight's meeting he still has time to get his position requests in. Our newly elected SPL is Frankie and he will be present at the April 4 meeting to review the election requests and make decisions. The only "elected" positions are the SPL and Patrol Leaders. The rest of the positions are assigned by the SPL who will review the requests, he will compare those requested to an advancement report to see who needs/wants a position and he will assign them as he sees fit. Jeremy Savoie is Troop 1's new scoutmaster and in the future it will be up to him to make determinations for the future of the troop's activities.
Review this link for more information.