2012 Hessel International Jamboree

Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Sign up to volunteer at lockin

Reminder!  Parents please sign up to volunteer at the 22nd Annual Gaylord Sportsplex Lock-in hosted by Troop 1!  All Troop 1 families must volunteer that evening for our lock-in to be successful!  We have jobs that go throughout the night, plus clean up in the morning.  If you can't stay the entire night, there are ways to help, like coming early (4am) and helping with the cleanup.  I'm too tired to clean by then and we need someone fresh and happy to help at 4am!  This event is 22 years strong, but we need you to pull it off without a hitch.  We expect between 375-475 scouts and leaders in attendance.  Follow the link to sign up or contact me if you are unable to sign up electronically.