2012 Hessel International Jamboree

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Camporee this weekend! Meet at Jeremy Savoie's home to load up troop trailer.

Blastoff Camporee at Flywheelers this weekend! We are meeting at Leader Jeremy Savoie's home at 550 Alexander road in Vanderbilt at 5:30 pm on Friday. Eat a light dinner before you arrive. They will serve pork at 8:30 pm. 
Pack for a cool, rainy weekend. Bring extra shoes and socks in case yours get wet. Bring your scout book to get rank requirements signed off. Don't forget sleeping bag, knit hat for sleeping, medicine if you take it, water bottle and other Boy Scout essentials. 

One more time: We are meeting at Leader Jeremy Savoie's home at 550 Alexander road in Vanderbilt at 5:30pm on Friday and loading up the troop trailer there. Do not be late!