2012 Hessel International Jamboree

Saturday, October 15, 2016

No Committee Meeting Sunday - Positions of Responsibility Elections Wednesday.

Hello Everyone, 
I am planning on doing elections a bit differently this time.
For Troop 1 in the past, elections are always a very long evening. Absent scouts sometimes get forgotten for a position, and sometimes scouts who need a position to rank up miss out as well.  Scouts that are of the rank Scout, Tenderfoot or Second Class do not need a position of responsibility to rank up, but scouts in First Class, Star and Life need Position of Responsibility to rank up. Our troop is getting very large and I thought I would investigate a better way to do elections.  
I did some research about scout elections.  It’s always best to seek the BSA way to do things rather than simply doing what we always did.
The Scoutmaster’s manual says this:
“How Are Leaders Selected?
Senior Patrol Leader:
The youth leader with the most responsibility in a troop is the senior patrol leader. He is elected by all members of the troop.
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader:
With the approval of the Scoutmaster, the assistant senior patrol leader is appointed by the senior patrol leader.
Patrol Leaders:
One patrol leader is elected by the members of each patrol.
Other Troop Positions (Quartermaster, scribe, Order of the Arrow troop representative, historian, librarian, etc.)
the senior patrol leader selects the Scout who will hold each position.
    Scoutmaster’s Handbook – Chapter 3 “The Boy Led Troop” 2010 Printing”
I thought I might try the elections this way this time, and maybe next.  I will draft a form for kids to put their choice 1,2,3 of what positions they want, and list what positions they’ve had in the past.  It will also be an absentee form for those who will miss elections on Wednesday due to sports, etc.  
I will create the form this weekend and put it on the internet and email by Sunday night.  
If anyone has any real concerns feel free to contact me.
Scoutmaster Mrs. B