2012 Hessel International Jamboree

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Online Leader Training

Leader Training: If you are a parent or committee member and have not yet taken training, here is a website online that you can do some training and it will keep track of your accomplishments for you.
Create a login on:  myscouting.org
Choose Training, E-Learning. Print the certificates, or take a picture of it with your phone so that you have proof that you've taken the class.  (I find that the record keeping online is not perfect!)

Additionally, if you are a new Webelos parent and are hoping to be selected to attend as a chaperone at summer camp, I urge you to consider taking the Outdoor Leader Training on April 24, 25, and 26 so that you can learn how the leadership in Boy Scout Camp works.  It is different than Cub Scout camp.