2012 Hessel International Jamboree

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Service Opportunity - Kiwanis Club Christmas Baskets this weekend

Troop 1 appreciates our sponsor, Kiwanis Club of Gaylord for renewing our charter with Boy Scouts of America.  At their meeting this morning they were grateful that our troop represented them in the recent Christmas parade, and Scoutmaster updated the club with a summary of our activities. Don't miss out on a opportunity to show your appreciation to the Kiwanis Club by helping with any of the volunteer activities that they do for the community.  This weekend is their annual Christmas basket drive.  They need help from scouts to carry Christmas food baskets.  If you are able to lend a hand, they need helpers on Saturday Dec 13, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm and Sunday Dec 14 10:00 am -3:00 pm. The basket distribution is at the Annex building between South Maple and the Middle School.   Wear your Class A shirt, please.