2012 Hessel International Jamboree

Thursday, May 08, 2014

Reminders for the weekend!

Saturday May 10: Cemetery Cleanup begins at 10:00 am -? at St. Mary's Cemetery.  Bring rakes, buckets for pine cones, wheel barrel, gloves, brooms to sweep name plates.

Saturday May 10: Brandon Proux Eagle Court of Honor, Hayes Township Hall, 4:00 - 6:00 pm

Saturday May 10: Kickoff 2014 I still don't have a volunteer to go and learn about being popcorn chair for the fall and bring back information to our troop.  Let me know if you want to go and I will register you! It's in Kalkaska. Register through the MichiganScouting.org website at: Kickoff 2014

Sunday May 11: Remember your Mom!  It's Mother's Day!

Sunday May 11: Committee meeting at Bagley Township Hall 6pm for scouts in leadership roles, 7:00 pm for adults.