2012 Hessel International Jamboree

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Popcorn Season is here!

Throughout the year Troop 1 has several fundraisers to choose from and Popcorn Sales are one of those opportunities.  We will have 3 ways for you to raise money for your scout account by selling popcorn. 

Show and Sell: We will have a table at a store and 2 scouts and 2 parents should sit together to sell popcorn in shifts.  We will likely only do this for a day or 2 so it won't be a burden. We will not purchase a great deal of stock. Popcorn has to be ordered this Sunday (tomorrow), so any comments are encouraged ASAP.

Online: Sign up for the Online popcorn system and it will email your friends and family. (I found that products cost between $5-$7 more plus shipping, just to make you aware that it is really expensive.) If you choose to sell online here are instructions:
Then go to sell.trails-end.com
Selling popcorn individually begins September 28th.  I will have order forms ready for you to pick up at Wednesday's meeting. The more scouts that participate the better, even if you only sell a few boxes!  Here is an order form for you to print:  http://www.michiganscouting.org/pubs/MichiganLR_2_.pdf

One last thing. There is a prize program, but if we opt to forgo the prizes, our scouts can earn 33% instead of 30% in their account.  So for example, if they sold $300 in popcorn, with the prize program they would earn $90 for their account, plus win a small prize.  Without the prize program they would earn $99 in their account.  Please let me know your thoughts on this.  They would still earn a patch no matter what and would still be eligible for any national prizes if they were a top seller.

I want to hear from you!  Please email troop1.gaylord@gmail.com with any comments.