2012 Hessel International Jamboree

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Two Reminders! Alpenfest Dime Toss and Boy Scout meeting tonight

Cole Canoe Base Scout Camp: Troop meeting tonight 7:00 p.m. to prepare for camp!  Parents please come and check it out so that your scout is prepared for camp.  We need some parents volunteers to drive and pick up boys from camp.  We have 20 scouts and 4 adults going to camp.  Also, when you arrive for tonight's meeting, please be aware that we have guests.  We have 2 scouts and their parents from Southborough, Massachusetts.  They will be attending camp with us because they live on Otsego Lake during the summer.  This is their first year at scout camp. Please make them feel welcome.  Introduce yourselves and scouts please be on good behavior!
Also, work on your pre-requisites for your merit badges for camp!  Ken has all the blue cards. 

Alpenfest Dime Toss:  Alpenfest is next week and my dime toss sign up sheet looks grim!  Remember that Kiwanis sponsors our troop and it is our obligation to participate in this fundraiser for them.  Please go now to the sign up sheet and choose a time to volunteer for the Alpenfest dime toss.  Remember to record this time in your scout book as service hours.
  Sign up for the alpenfest dime toss here