2012 Hessel International Jamboree

Thursday, September 22, 2011

September 2011 - News and Views

 'Tis the Camping Season

Hessel: It was a good weekend at Hessel. Sunny, warm and good sleeping weather. No casualties but lots of stories about who danced with the best looking girls. We also welcomed Jan Adams for the first campout with the troop and we welcomed Kathy Arndt back to the field. Sam and Zack camped with us for the first time—and Sam showed us the ranger style of shelter. See the cheesy potatoes recipe below.

Friends of NRA Dinner: This event also went well this year—our boys got compliments on their gun handling skills. It is almost a crime that we get a stipend and we get prime rib just for smiling and a little gun handling.

Popcorn Sales:  Sales have begun and continue through October. Get there first guys! The Cub Scouts are coming. Remember: always go in uniform and always carry your sign up packet with you.

Wreath sales will begin before you know it in October. This is a really nifty way to make money and is so easy you won’t believe it. You can cut grass for an hour and make 12.00— or you can place a 10 minute phone call to a wreath customer and make $15.00. Spiff up your uniform and get ready—Kevin Neff used to fund his entire year in a week of wreath sales.

Kiwanis Party: Unfortunately our party at Heart Lake Resort had to be cancelled because of weather. They are working on a substitute date and will let us know. It may be in conjunction with the lock in at the community center—as soon as we know we will post it.

Fall Camporee: This is the District wide Camporee we have every year. This year it is the weekend of 1-2 October sponsored by one of the Harbor Springs troops. This should be a very interesting since the theme is American Indian lore and you will be able to earn that merit badge during the weekend if you attend. Some of the planning was done this past Wednesday—the rest will be done next week. This should be an interesting Camporee given that we will be preparing Indian style food and learning Native American games. Awesome. Sign up now.

Hartwick Pines: The Critters in the Moonlight project is scheduled for the evening of the 15th of October from about 4:00Pm to about 10:00 PM. We serve Mr. Proux’s chili and hot dogs and scouts have a chance to make a few bucks for their account if we make a profit.

Upcoming Campout: The leadership council also wants to do a mixed campout in the Pigeon River in mid October. The plan so far is to combine a 5 mile hike and orienteering for the younger boys with a short backpacking trip for the older boys, both ending up at the patrol base now thought to be at the end of the Shingle Mill trail in the PR. This is a prelude to backpacking we plan to do in the future and also to the Polar Bear next winter.

Court of Honor: Our Court of Honor also comes up on Sunday the 30th of October. Expect that date to be firm by next week. Lots of awards to pass out this fall—good job this summer.

Elections: Unit Elections this year will occur on Wednesday the 26th of October at our regular meeting. We elect patrol leaders and the patrol staff, as well as the senior patrol leader. If you would like to run, start your politicking now.

Fundraisers: The fall schedule after elections includes preparation for tree sales, wind up of popcorn and wreath sales (and preparation for delivery of both) and the troop lock in at the community center just before we start tree sales just after Thanksgiving.

Parents have a big role to play in the tree sales—since at least one parent must be on hand during sales. Ordinarily we post a sign up list on the web site where parents are expected to sign up for 3 shifts at different times during sales from the 25th to the end of sales usually about the 18th of December. Tree sales provide the money we run the troop on—and provide stipends for the boys who go to camp, as well as replace and repair our equipment. Sign up early and sign up often.

OK, for those of you who asked for an early heart attack in the form of the cheesy potatoes recipe for the Dutch ovens, here it is:

IN ONE # 12 Dutch oven with liner add,

4 bags of southern style hash browns (little square ones)

And stir in:

3 cans of Campbell’s cream of celery and 1 can of cream of mushroom soup (no off brand soup here please)

3 cups of milk

1 lb of sour cream

8 cups of finely shredded cheddar cheese (one standard bag at Wally or Glens)

3 table spoons of garlic salt and additional salt and pepper to taste (OK to taste—no eggs or raw meat in the recipe)

Stir gently to blend—the oven will be full so be careful

Once stirred, top with bread crumbs and about 12 strips of bacon over the top of the crumbs

Close the lid and add about 14 briquettes on top and 14 on the bottom of the oven and keep that many intact for about 2 to 2.5 hours.

When done, the potatoes should be hot and the cheese melted, and the bacon should be cooked.

Clean up is quick and the recipe feeds 18 scouts and adults easily—up to 24 if servings are limited to ½ to ¾ cup each (just try that ration on hungry scouts).

Yum yum.

So there you have it—so until next we speak again-

Keep your eye on the Eagle and your feet firmly on the Scenic Trail.

As always, call me: home: 989-732-3464, office: 989-732-3307; cell: 989-619-0630 or email: karndt@arndtandassoc.com.

Ken Arndt
