2012 Hessel International Jamboree

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Mowing St. Mary's June 9th

Yes, it is time to think about mowing again!

We will meet at St.Mary's cemetery on TUESDAY, JUNE 9th. I'll be there around 4:00 p.m. Please let me know if you can come and earn some money for your account! You do not have to be there at 4:00, just whenever you can get there. I just like to get started ASAP.

WE NEED SCOUTS TO WEEDWHIP!!! Our weed whippers have not been working the past two times, and the place really needs a trim! If you have one that works, please bring it and plan to use it. This is an easy way to add the bucks to your scout account. $12 per hour!

We also need a few people to bring their riders and push mowers! Let me know what you can bring.

RAIN DATE is Thursday, June 11th.

Thanks, Valerie