2012 Hessel International Jamboree

Monday, February 12, 2007

Lock-In Adult Sign Up

Calling all Troop parents & adult leaders! The Annual Sportsplex Lock-In will be Saturday, March 3, from 9 PM to 6 AM Sunday. This is the most bodacious event Troop 1 sponsors & we need lots of adult help ! Besides, what could be more fun than staying up all night with a couple hundred adolescent boys? Skating, swimming, bowling, card games, video games, food & fun!

We need help in the following areas: Registration, manning the Office (3 shifts) Shopping for door prizes, manning the Skate office (3 shifts), Bowling alley supervision, serving the Midnight Pizza snack and just general help throughout the night. You don't have to be there all night (but, who wouldn't want to?) There will be a sign up sheet at the Troop meetings on the 14th & 21st. You can also contact Mr. Marsh to volunteer. Remember - the early birds get their choice of assignments! Please call Mr. Marsh with any questions and mark your calendar!