2012 Hessel International Jamboree

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Troop 1 Committee meeting August 23, 6pm scouts, 7pm adults.

Please attend the first committee meeting before the new school year. It will be August 23 Wednesday evening, 6pm for scouts in leadership positions (like scribe, patrol leader, ASPL, SPL, quartermaster etc) and 7pm for leaders, committee members and parents at Bagley hall. The scouts will be planning their events for the upcoming school year and we will be discussing attending the two upcoming camp outs in September (Wilwin Lodge and the Mackinaw Rendezvous.) We have a new troop trailer and work that needs to be done on it, upcoming popcorn sales and mowing. We need a new chairperson for our winter fundraiser "Wreath Sales". We need to get our new Sportsplex lock-in chair on track for our upcoming Sportsplex lockin. More topics to cover than we have time in a 7-8:30 meeting. Please come and participate in the scouting program.

Julia Bushong, Scoutmaster Troop 1