2012 Hessel International Jamboree

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Thank you Troop 1 Volunteers for putting on a successful lock-in!

We had another great lock-in yesterday! I think I'm finally feeling human again after staying up all night.

I want to thank everyone from Troop 1 who volunteered at our lock-in last night. This event could not be as successful and fun for all without your help and never ending patience. As I'm revisiting the evening, I remember many acts of kindness and helpfulness that I saw from each of you to scouts or leaders from other troops or to help me personally. Thank you for supporting Troop 1's legacy in the Northern Trails Districts. Just think of all the other Troop 1 and Venture Crew volunteers who came before you and who would be so proud of the tradition that we have continued together! Thanks again!

If you want to check out some photos taken by the Trails District, click this link:


If you want to check out some photos that are available on our facebook page, click this link:


To see all our current photos, check out our Facebook page at BSA Troop 1 Gaylord, MI