2012 Hessel International Jamboree

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Halloween party on Wednesday... change of location!

Wednesday Night's meeting, October  28, will be the Halloween party and it will be held at Mr & Mrs. Hauswirth's home, Logan's parents.  We will start a bit earlier, at 6:30.  Rain may be in the forecast, dress appropriately.

The directions to their house are as follows: M32 towards Elmira. After the four lane passing zone will be a sharp right turn on to Hallock Rd. approximately 3/4 of a mile is an intersection. Turn left at the intersection on Parmater rd. This is a gravel road but it is fairly well maintained. About 400 yards on the left will be their driveway. 5175 is on the power pole. They intend to have signage at Hallock rd, Parmater Rd, and at their Drive. 

Please wear a costume if you desire, there will be a costume contest!
Bring a dish to pass.  A-L are snacks and M- Z are desserts.  

Every scout should bring a flashlight!  Be Prepared!