2012 Hessel International Jamboree

Friday, February 13, 2015

Coming up soon! Indoor and Outdoor Leader Training

Parents and Committee members, here is a way to become trained to better assist in scouting and to help us meet annual requirements for leader training.
Saturday, March 21st, 9:00 am to 1:00pm Leader Basic Training at the LDS Church in Petoskey.  There is no cost. This is what we call Indoor Leader Training.
 IOLS OR OUTDOOR LEADER, Weekend April 24-26 At the Flywheelers  property. The cost 40.00 for participants .

They anticipate that they will do another Indoor Leader Training in November on Saturday the 7th at the LDS Church in Petoskey.

For more information on registration, please feel free to call Perry Rutterbush at 231-347-5465, or email at prutterbush@gmail.com