Headlands, January 9 &10 and Snowflake Dance Jan 31
Headlands: Right after we get back from break the very first activity will be the Headlands trip on January 9 & 10. It's 2 nights. Please indicate below if you are willing to chaperone. We need about 3 adults.
Snowflake Dance: Venturing Crew 252 out of Boyne City, MI is holding their Snowflake Dance on Saturday, January 31, 2015 at the Eagles Hall in Boyne City. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Venturing Crew Members, and their guests are invited. This would be the first year that our scouts would attend this dance. (optional grade 6 to age 20) Please let me know if your scout would like to attend.
It is $8 each if we register before 1/18/2015. It is $10 at the door. Your scout may bring a guest.
This is a semi-formal event, which means no jeans, Class A uniforms are acceptable, shirt and tie is acceptable.