Upcoming events
Wednesday is the Dessert Court of Honor at our regular scout meeting. Parents and family are invited to honor the scouts receiving awards for advancement. Bring a snack or dessert to share. The meeting begins at 7pm.
Attention Troop 1 aspiring adult leaders!
Next weekend, April 28-30, President Ford FSC is offering Scoutmaster Complete training at Camp Greilick near Traverse City. This is a great opportunity to complete both the Scoutmaster Position-Specific "indoor" training and the Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills, the two training sessions required for Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters, and Junior Assistant Scoutmasters. This course will provide you with the knowledge every Scout needs in order to reach the First Class Rank, so it's great training for whatever role you may take on in Troop 1. Plus, it's a lot of fun being Boy Scouts for the weekend! Sign-up officially ends April 24. Don't delay!
Troop 1 Assistant Scoutmaster James Lake will be an instructor at this training, so don't miss the fun!