Ben's Eagle project tomorrow 11:30am.
Boy Scout Troop 1 Gaylord, Michigan is a member of the Scenic Trails Council of the Boy Scouts of America. Our sponsoring organization is the Kiwanis Club of Gaylord. Troop 1 Gaylord meets every Wednesday at the Bagley Township Hall from 7:00 PM until approximately 8:30 PM. Our blog will be used to keep scouts and adult leaders informed about Troop events and activities.
Posted by
Troop One
8:20 PM
Ben's Eagle Scout project work bee will be this Sunday August 30, at 11:30 am. at the Otsego Conservation District Community Garden (off of Livingston Blvd.) Lunch will be served. There is still ground leveling to do and wood chips to spread, and help is needed to carry the built platforms. Supplies you could bring if you have it include work gloves, shovel, wheel barrow or bucket, snippers. Please let Ben know if you can or cannot come. Thanks.
Posted by
Troop One
12:07 PM
Last Call! Is anyone interested in going to to Comerica Park for a Tiger's game this week? If Troop 1 had 15+ people interested in going to a baseball game, there is a special called Weekday Value Pack. This package is an Upper Reserve ticket and a food voucher (hot dog, small pop, and chips) for under $20.00 per person!
There is an afternoon game on Thursday Aug 27th that starts at 1pm. it would be a long day, but could be a down and back (leave at 9am, get back at 8pm). If you and your scout are interested in participating in this, Leader Kevin Reynolds is organizing it. Please comment below if you want to go and we will quickly make arrangements! We need 15+ people for this package deal. Don't delay! Kevin needs to know ASAP if you want to go. Right now he doesn't have enough for the package deal so if you want to go email me or call.
Posted by
Troop One
10:41 PM
Parents and Scouts, please read the new Boy Scout Rank requirements effective Jan 2016. There are changes that may effect your scout depending on his current rank.
There is an article to download on this link.
The release of the new requirements in May 2015 is to allow unit leaders adequate time to plan their Scouts’ transition. Beginning work in the new requirements will be determined by the Scout’s joining date or current rank as of January 1, 2016:
For 2016:
• Boys joining on or after Jan. 1, 2016 MUST use the new requirements.
• Boys who have joined prior to Jan. 1, 2016:
• Who are working on the Scout badge MAY continue to work on the existing requirements, but MUST convert to the new requirements upon completion of the Scout badge.
• Who are working on Tenderfoot through First Class MAY continue to work on the existing requirements, but MUST convert to the new requirements upon attaining First Class.
• Who have completed First Class MAY complete the rank they are currently working on in the existing requirements, but then MUST convert to the new requirements for subsequent ranks.
For 2017: All Scouts MUST use the new requirements regardless of rank.
Posted by
Troop One
9:39 PM
This schedule will be passed out at each meeting as it gets updated. Here is the 1st draft.
Draft of Troop Schedule:
9 Committee Meeting
14-16 Order of the Arrow Ordeal Camp Greilick
27 Kevin Reynolds is organizing a Tiger’s for an all day trip
9 First Scout meeting of the year, 7pm Bagley Township Hall, Welcome, review meeting procedures, 7 Steps of Successful Troop meeting, and Meal planning for International Scout Rally. Need Den Chiefs.
13 Committee Meeting
16 Scout meeting- organize game for Scout Rally
18,19,20 International Scout Rally, Wilwin Lodge, Trout Lake, MI Theme: Holidays (This is the Hessel trip)
23 Scout meeting: Meal planning results
30 Scout Meeting: For everyone Patrol flag creation, cheer, yell etc.
9-11 Order of the Arrow Ordeal Gerber
10 Hooked on Scouting at Perch Lake
18 Court of Honor dinner on Sunday
28 Halloween Party
Hartwick Pines??
4 Plan Kiwanis Open House and possible Recruit night
11 tenative: Kiwanis Open House
25 meeting day before Thanksgiving
Community Center Lock-in??
Christmas parade
Kiwanis Food baskets
Posted by
Troop One
11:17 AM
Posted by
Troop One
10:42 AM
Is anyone interested in going to Comerica Park for a Tiger's game? If Troop 1 had 15+ people interested in going to a baseball game, there is a special called Weekday Value Pack. This package is an Upper Reserve ticket and a food voucher (hot dog, small pop, and chips) for under $20.00 per person!
There is an afternoon game on Thursday Aug 27th that starts at 1pm. it would be a long day, but could be a down and back (leave at 9am, get back at 8pm). Please reply to this email if you want to go and we will quickly make arrangements! We need 15+ people for this package deal. If you and your scout are interested in participating in this, Leader Kevin Reynolds is organizing it.
Posted by
Troop One
10:22 AM
Apply here for 2015 Eagle Scout Scholarships:
Posted by
Troop One
10:09 AM
For those elected to Order of the Arrow, the Ordeal is this weekend. I forwarded that information to your email, so check your email and make a decision quickly if you are going to attend. Let me know if I should reigster you. The cost is $50. Scouts and Leaders elected to Order of the Arrow have 1 year to complete their Ordeal weekend. There will be another chance in October 8-10 weekend at Gerber, and possibly again in the spring 2016. If you do not complete your Ordeal, then you will have to be re-elected.
Posted by
Troop One
3:05 PM
Don't forget the committee meeting this Sunday, August 9! 6pm for scouts and 7pm for Leaders, Parents and committee members! At the Bagley Township hall.
Posted by
Troop One
11:53 AM