Tree Lot Sign Up
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Tree Lot Sign up Sheet
Boy Scout Troop 1 Gaylord, Michigan is a member of the Scenic Trails Council of the Boy Scouts of America. Our sponsoring organization is the Kiwanis Club of Gaylord. Troop 1 Gaylord meets every Wednesday at the Bagley Township Hall from 7:00 PM until approximately 8:30 PM. Our blog will be used to keep scouts and adult leaders informed about Troop events and activities.
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Tree Lot Sign up Sheet
Posted by
Troop One
7:48 AM
Troop 1 sells Christmas trees every year to financially support the Troop. Tree sales are held in the Kmart parking lot. Money earned pays for the upkeep of the troop and troop activities. Tree sales and other fundraisers help to keep the cost of scouting low. We need every scout and parent to work 3 shifts. Please sign up for your shifts ASAP. A parent needs to accompany their scouts. Dress Warmly!
Sign up to volunteer at the Tree Lot!
We will need help on the November 22nd when the trees are delivered. Instead of having a normal troop meeting on the November 23rd we will be meeting from 5:00 pm to 7:00pm at the tree lot for set up. This counts as attendence as a meeting, not as one of your tree shifts. Everyone should attend this Tree Lot setup.
Reminder! On November 12th, Kiwanis is putting on a Float and a Flick at the Sportsplex. Swimming and a movie from 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm for all scouts. After this, head over to the lock in at the Community Center.
Lot's of fun to be had in the Month of November!
Posted by
Troop One
10:41 PM