2012 Hessel International Jamboree

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


RESURRECTION was mowed August 23rd and 24th. The next mowing date has not been set. If you have any questions, Please contact Mr. Marsh.

ST. MARY's next mowing date is set for Thursday August 30th at 5:00 PM. If you want to mow and have not already done so, please contact Mr. Neff.

REGULAR weekly troop meetings begin on Wednesday August 29th at 7:00 PM. See you there.

Monday, August 27, 2007

CORRECTION! Resurrection Mowing Date

Resurrection was mowed August 23rd and 24th. The next mowing date has not been set.

Please contact Mr. Marsh.

Hayes Tower Mowing Date

Plans are to mow at Hayes Tower Cemetary on Tuesday, Aug. 28th. Starting approximately 5:00 pm. Please let Mr. Oakley know if you can help out with mowing on this date so the cemetary will look nice for the Labor Day holiday.

Thanks, Craig Oakley

Friday, August 17, 2007

Shingle Mill Pathway Hike

Nate has planned a hike for all Scouts working on the Hiking Merit Badge, needing a hike for rank advancement or Scouts looking for a fun day of hiking.

The hike take place on the Shingle Mill Pathway on THURSDAY AUGUST 23 and will start at 9:00 AM. Mr. Parker and Mr. Neff will participate and other adults are welcome to hike. Mr. Neff can take up to 5 scouts to the hike and return them to Gaylord. If you want to participate, please email troop1.gaylord@gmail.com .

The Shingle Mill Pathway Hike will start at the Forest Service Headquarters near the Pigeon River Campground. North out of Gaylord on Old US 27 to Vanderbilt. In Vanderbilt, Right (east) on E. Sturgeon Valley Rd. Go about 11 miles to Twin Lakes Rd. Left (north) on Twin Lakes Road to the Forest Service Headquarters and parking lot.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Gaylord to Cheboygan Trail - Report

Mr. Neff reports that the trail from Gaylord to Vanderbilt is now open and is in great shape. It is a nice 9 mile bike ride from the soccer field trail head to just north of the H&H Tube plant. (18 miles round trip)

The 10 mile section from Vanderbilt to Wolverine is also reported to be open.

Scouts working on the hiking and cycling merit badges are encouraged to consider this trail for one or more of the required rides or hikes. Both merit badges require that scouts plan the treks that are taken.

Scouts needing a 5 mile hike or 10 mile bike ride for rank advancement could also take advantage of the Gaylord to Cheboygan Trail.

Gaylord to Cheboygan Trail updates are posted at http://www.trailscouncil.org/.

Scouts may complete the merit badge or rank advancement requirements on their own but they are STRONGLY encouraged to use the BUDDY SYSTEM or take a parent when working on these requirements.

If a Scout plans a trek, other Scouts will come.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

St. Mary's Mowing Dates for August

We will mow at St. Mary's on the following dates:

Thursday August 16th (sorry for the late notice). We will try to start at 5:00 PM but other start times can be arranged with Mr. Neff.

Thursday August 30th - Pre Labor Day Mowing! We will try to start at 5:00 PM but other start times can be arranged with Mr. Neff.

Rain out dates will be the following Friday.

The grass has not grown much since our last mow but the weeds are getting noticeable and this weeks rain main restart some grass growth.

Please contact Mr. Neff if you can mow on either date.

Monday, August 06, 2007


Service Hours at the Otsego County Fair:
Kiwanis will have their dime toss booth at the Otsego County Fair again this year and are asking for our help. We need at least 1 youth and 1 adult to sign up for the shifts available. Everyone who signs up to work will receive a free pass to get in the fair on that day. Remember….this is a great chance to get your service time in for rank advancement.

The dates are Monday, August 20th thru Saturday, August 25th from:
Noon to 3:30 PM
3:30 PM to 7:00 PM
7:00 – 10:00 PM.

Call or email Mrs. Savory to schedule your shift.

Recycle! Otsego County
Recycle! Otsego County needs youth and adult volunteers to help at the recycling center located at 3893 Old 27 South, Gaylord. Volunteers are needed Saturdays from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

One adult per service group is required. Youth assist with unloading recyclables from cars and placing them in the proper bins. Volunteers may call 989-732-1234 or email recycle.scheduler@gmail.com to confirm a date. Recycle! Otsego County volunteer hours also qualify for volunteer hours for the United Way Volunteer Center.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007



Scouts interested in working on the Cycling Merit Badge, the Hiking Merit Badge or completing the Second Class rank advancement requirements should try to be at the Pine Baron Pathway on Saturday August 4th.

A 10 mile bike ride will start at approximately 10:00am. This ride may take some scouts two hours to finish. All bikes and helmets must pass inspection before a scout may ride the trail. If needed, Mr. Neff can bring a couple of extra mountain bikes and helmets. Please contact Mr. Neff if you need to borrow a bike. Scouts may start the ride later but must plan to be finished by 4pm. This ride may be used for either a Second Class rank advancement or one of the required 10 mile rides for the cycling merit badge but not both.

A 10 mile hike will start at approximately NOON and scouts should allow 4 hours for completing the 10 mile hike. Scouts needing a 5 mile hike for Second Class rank advancement should allow 2.5 hours for completing their hike. The 10 mile hike would count towards BOTH the Second Class rank advancement or one of the required 10 mile hikes for the hiking merit badge.

All scouts should bring clothing appropriate for the weather conditions, their own filled water bottle, and trail mix or snacks. We will all practice proper trail etiquette and LEAVE NO TRACE.
Adults are welcome to join in on the bike ride, the hike or to stay at the trail head for support.

Please contact Mr. Neff if you plan to attend. neff.upnorth@gmail.com or 732-4051.

Pine Baron Pathway
Trail Length: 8.75 (Miles)
Pathway Directions to Trailhead: 5 miles SW of Gaylord via I-75, Alba Rd & Lone Pine Rd N
