Popcorn Is Sold Out
Mrs. H reports that all extra popcorn has been sold.
Collections of popcorn and wreath money will resume in 2006.
Boy Scout Troop 1 Gaylord, Michigan is a member of the Scenic Trails Council of the Boy Scouts of America. Our sponsoring organization is the Kiwanis Club of Gaylord. Troop 1 Gaylord meets every Wednesday at the Bagley Township Hall from 7:00 PM until approximately 8:30 PM. Our blog will be used to keep scouts and adult leaders informed about Troop events and activities.
Mrs. H reports that all extra popcorn has been sold.
Collections of popcorn and wreath money will resume in 2006.
Posted by
Troop One
10:18 AM
Thanks to all the Scout Families who volunteered to man the tree lot.
The lot will be cleaned up today and the Troop trailer will be moved to its winter berth.
Mr. Marsh reports that we reached our budget amounts for trees sold. The troop will be adequately funded again in 2006!
See everyone in 2006.
Posted by
Troop One
10:09 AM
Dear Parents -
On Wednesday, January 11th our troop will conduct the BSA’s Youth Protection Training. This training consists of a video which is age appropriate and designed to teach the youth the 3 R’s of Youth Protection. Recognize. Resist. Report. This video will take up the entire meeting and although there is opportunity for discussion either before, during, or after the tape the video is essentially meant to open the minds of the youth to the knowledge of what can happen and how to deal with it.
The video, entitled “A Time to Tell” was developed by the BSA to address the problem of sexual abuse of boys ages 11-14. The tape is approximately 90 minutes long so it will be essential that the meeting begin promptly at 7:00 PM. In order to allow parents the opportunity to preview the tape prior to this meeting we will be showing it for adults only at the troop meeting on Wednesday, January 4th. If you are unable to make it I do have an extra copy that can be loaned out as well. This will be on a first come, first serve basis.
I encourage you to bring your son to this viewing and you, as well, are invited to stay and view it with him. Child abuse professionals unanimously agree that open communication between parents and children is vital to preventing child abuse. Your knowledge of this video and its content is essential to allowing your son the ability to discuss with you further the information found within.
BSA also requires the adults of the troop be trained in Youth Protection as well. Many of our adults have already taken the Youth Protection Training Course offered through BSA and we as a troop will be offering it again soon in the near future. Furthermore, we are committed to maintaining the high standards of protection set down by the BSA by following the Two Deep Leadership guidelines established by the BSA meaning no less than two leaders at any time may be present at a scouting event.
If there are any questions regarding the information in this letter or you wish to view a copy of the tape on your own time please feel free to contact me. Thank You – Vicki Savory, Scoutmaster – Troop 1.
Posted by
8:27 AM
The tree sales coordinator extends a big thank you to Wagar Motor Sales for donating radio advertisement spots for the Troop 1 Christmas Tree sale. The Scouts who recorded the ads all sound great.
Thanks also to Mr. Jim Miller and WMJZ for the live interview from the tree lot on Saturday morning.
Posted by
Troop One
3:14 PM
A Scout is concerned about other people. He does things willingly for others without pay or reward.
Seven Troop 1 Scouts and seven adult leaders assisted the Kiwanis Club prepare 400 food baskets for area families last night.
Great job Scouts!
Posted by
Troop One
2:43 PM
December Program Patrols: Beavers & Flaming Arrows
December Service Patrols: Flaming Arrows & Midget Commandos
Dec. 7 - 6:30 - Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge work before Troop Meeting
Dec. 7 - 7:00 - Troop Meeting - Uniform closet will be in the house! Uniform information and inspection. Camping and outdoor product demonstrations and discussions provided by Jay's Sporting Goods.
Dec. 14 - 7:00 - Troop Meeting - Planning meeting for Troop party on Dec. 21
Dec. 15 - 5:30 to 8:30 - Community service, two ninety minute shifts helping Kiwanis club fill holiday food baskets. Contact the Scoutmaster to sign up.
Dec. 21 - 7:00 - Troop Meeting - Party, details to be decided at Dec. 14 meeting!
Dec. 28 - No School, No Meeting - See everyone in 2006.
Troop 1 meets every Wednesday at the First Congregational Church from 7:00 PM until approximately 8:30 PM.
Posted by
Troop One
9:09 AM
Below is a list of the extra popcorn that we have available.
It makes a perfect Christmas gift too!!!
Large Gourmet Carmel Corn- 3 Available at $18.00 each
Scouts can call Mrs. H at - 231-546-4546.
Posted by
Troop One
10:00 AM
It is Troop 1's policy to cancel Troop meetings whenever school is cancelled on the meeting date. That is what happened to us today - No School = No Meeting tonight.
Important Fund Raising information!
The Tree lot will be OPEN tonight. The Tree Sales coordinator does not let his volunteers take the day off. WMJZ offered one of our Christmas Tree gift certificates as a prize today. The first current or former scout to stop by the Big Bear Deli and identify themselves as a scout would get the certificate. I heard them announce the prize twice but I m sure it was mentioned more than that.
Mrs. H, FUND RAISING COMMITTEE CHAIR, will be collecting popcorn and wreath money at the PLC meeting on Sunday December 4 and again at the Troop meeting on Wednesday December 7. Please have all your deliveries and money collections completed by then.
Mrs. Sova is still accepting wreath orders. The cut off date was extended to December 1. If you have additional wreath orders, please email Mrs. Sova at sova@avci.net or call at 231-585-6215.
Posted by
Troop One
3:05 PM
A Psalm for Scouts and Scouters
The Lord God is our Great Scoutmaster who provides all our needs.
He lets us camp in forests tall and meadows green.
He leads us on trails besides waters deep and still, brooks babbling, streams rushing, and rivers raging.
He restores our bodies, minds and souls, even as we observe the eagle soaring to greater heights above.
He encourages the Eagle Scout in his upward climb.
He teaches Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, and Venturers to live the Scout Oath and Law.
Even though the trails may lead through dark valleys with towering mountains, we are courageous because he leads us onward.
He continually blesses us with food for mind and body.
Even when our enemies dislike or distrust us, he blesses us with the gifts of love and forgiveness.
Surely, his goodness and mercy will sustain us all the days of our lives.
And, when we climb the final trail through the awesome pass that leads to the Great Councilfire, we shall join those who traveled the trail before us and joyfully live with him forever!
Posted by
Troop One
3:44 PM
REMINDER: Anyone wishing to order more wreaths, the second order will be sent in on November 28th. Please email or call Mrs. Sova at sova@avci.net or 231-585-6215.
Posted by
Troop One
2:53 PM
The Kiwanis Club is asking for our help to pack Christmas baskets for needy families. This is not only a great community service project but fun to do as well. Six youth are needed for each shift. The date is Thursday, December 15th and shifts are from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM and from 7:00 PM until 8:30 PM. To sign up for a shift please contact me at vsavory1@sbcglobal.net. Parents will be asked to provide transportation to and from the Community Education Building and Scouts are expected to be in Class A Uniforms.
Posted by
7:08 PM
Establishing Your Vision -
Scouting is terrific for developing Visions. Outings and meetings require Scouts to decide what the activities will be, forecast and procure the food, and assign duties. All of these things require the patrol members to create a vision of what the outing and/or meeting will be like. Once the vision has been established the patrol members must create their goals to achieve the vision. And then comes the implementation. How accurate were our estimates of food? How well did the members of your patrol come together to perform their duties? Many times the vision that we have is not shared with the members of the patrol or troop. Without sharing your vision with others you stand less of a chance at actually accomplishing your vision. In your personal life it is no different. Establishing a vision of the life that we want, whether it be long term or short term requires us to create goals in order to achieve that vision. Sharing our vision not only gives us a sense of self worth but also helps to make us accountable for our vision and the goals needed to achieve it. So...What is your vision? Share it with me and I will share something with you in return. It doesn't have to be Scout related but be prepared to tell me at least one of your goals you will be using to accomplish it. And finally, I will leave you with the words of Winston Churchill who said "Never! Never!! Never!!! Never!!!! Give Up! :-)
Posted by
6:41 PM
Anyone interested in attending the City Council meeting on Monday, Nov. 28th (to fulfill requirement 3) should meet Mr. Swampy under the Pavilion downtown no later than 6:45 PM - MONDAY Nov. 28th. Wear your class A uniform.
We plan to begin work on Requirement 4 on Wednesday, November 30, 6:30 PM before the Troop meeting.
Link to Citizenship in the Community requirements.
Posted by
Troop One
8:43 AM
A pleasant surprise was received yesterday. An information package from Florida Sea Base with a CD that includes a slide show of Brinton Environmental Center attractions and a Fish Identification slide show. Scouts signed up for the June 2006 High Adventure to Florida Sea Base will certainly want to watch the slide shows. Maybe the entire Troop would like to watch the slide shows during a meeting?
Let your SPL or ASPL know if you want to see the slide shows and they can arrange for a presentation.
Scouts and adult leaders interested in a 2007 High Adventure to Florida Sea Base should mark down January 15, 2006 as the first day to enter the 2007 lottery for High Adventure dates.
Click the Florida Sea Base link to learn more.
Posted by
Troop One
3:07 PM
The Troop meets every Wednesday at the First Congregational Church from 7:00 PM until approximately 8:30 PM.
November 24, 2005 - Thanksgiving Day. Gobble till you wobble!
November 25, 2005 - Christmas tree sales begin. Sign up sheets will be available at Troop meetings.
November 28, 2005 - Second Wreath orders due.
November 30, 2005 - Troop Meeting. Popcorn Money Due!
December 4, 200t - PLC and Adult Committee Mtg.
December 21st or 28th - No Troop Meeting.
January 4, 2005 - Meetings resume at normal place and time.
Posted by
Troop One
8:00 AM
Wreath orders will be in Wednesday November 16th. You can pick up your orders after 8:30pm. The location the wreaths will be this year is in the Gaylord Air Industrial Park off of Dickerson Road. It is located in a big building called the JCB Building. There are (4) suites, Stellar Computer Systems is in Suite A, the wreaths will be in Suite B. Suite C is the Michigan Department of Agriculture Wildlife Division. The JCB Building is located before the 7-Up Building.
Posted by
Troop One
10:47 AM
Several members of Troop 1 will participate in the Flag Ceremony for the opening and closing of the Gaylord Middle School Veterans Day Program on November 11th. All Scouts that attend the Gaylord Middle School have been invited to be in uniform and participate in the Flag Ceremony.
Over 200 Veterans are expected to attend the program. The program begins at 8:15 a.m. with a reception in the Gaylord Middle School cafeteria.
Posted by
Troop One
4:47 PM
Requirement #1
Discuss with your counselor what citizenship in the community means and what it takes to be a good citizen in your community. Discuss the rights, duties, and obligations of citizenship, and explain how you can demonstrate good citizenship in your community, Scouting unit, place of worship, or school.
All scouts attending Mr. Marsh's merit badge workshop at today's meeting should be ready to discuss Requirement #1.
Posted by
Troop One
11:35 AM
The Northern District will be conducting their annual Adult Indoor Leader Training on Saturday, November 12 at the LDS Church in Petoskey. The training will begin at 8:00 AM and run until about 3:00 PM. All adults (leaders, and parents alike) are encouraged to attend. A vast amount of information will be given regarding Webelos to Scouts transition, the Troop Committee and its organization, fundraising, advancement, program planning, and much...much...more. Oh!! And by the way!!! The cost is FREE!!!
Posted by
Troop One
11:33 AM
There will be a second wreath order going in on November 28th. Anyone wanting to order more wreaths can email Mrs. Sova at sova@avci.net or call 231-585-6215 with their orders by November 28th. They will tentatively come in around December 7th or just thereafter.
Information on the first wreath order delivery date will be posted as soon as it is finalized.
Posted by
Troop One
9:56 AM
Scouts working on merit badge requirements study the books and show the results of field work.
There is going to be a fish fry!
Posted by
Troop One
10:45 AM
Our Eagle Scout Advisor reccomends this web site for trail information.
Posted by
Troop One
12:42 PM
It is almost that time of year again when Troop 1 has its annual Christmas Tree fund raiser sale.
Three hundred and twenty five trees have been ordered. Kmart has again given us permission to use their parking lot for our sale. We have applied to the City of Gaylord for a Charitable Solicitation Permit to sell trees from November 25, 2005 to December 23, 2005.
The next step in planning our fund raiser is having all Scout Families sign up for time slots to sell trees. In prior years we have tried to have two Scout families at the lot for all time slots, I do not believe that will be practical this year. Sometimes there will be two families at the lot and other times families will work their time slot alone.
I am requesting that each Scout family sign up for four time slots this year. I will have sign-up forms at the Lock-in and at the next Troop meeting. You may email me with your preferred dates too. Slots are filled on a first come first reserved basis. One family has already requested the four Monday time slots.
On the first Friday of the sale and on all Saturdays and Sundays, time slots are two hours long and start with a 10 AM to Noon slot and end with a 6 PM to 8 PM slot. Week day time slots are about two hours long and run from 4:30 to 7:30. The weekday start times depend on when the family can get to the lot and the end times depend on how busy the lot is after 7:00. Please select and sign up for you four spots as soon as possible.
Volunteers are needed to assist with the tree lot set up on Wednesday, November 23. The set-up crew will unload the trees and stack them on the ground. The crew also drives steel posts and strings rope for tree display. Poles are wired to the steel posts and our lighting system is strung. A good time is had by all.
Other important tree lot information:
The Troop trailer serves as our "Office" for the Christmas Tree sale. The keys to the trailer are kept at the Kmart service desk and are picked up by the first family to arrive that day and are returned to the Kmart service desk by the family that closes the lot in the evening.
The Troop trailer will have all supplies and equipment needed for the tree lot.
Cash box for cash and checks. Mr. Marsh collects funds daily from the cash box.
Ledger sheet to keep track of how many trees we have sold and how many are left.
Twine buckets for securing trees to vehicles.
A small ladder or stool for the vertically challenged.
Saws for trimming trees - only if requested by a customer.
Price list. This year we will have two prices - an under 8' price and an over 8' price.
The generator for the lights.
Gasoline and oil for the generator.
Wreaths with price tags attached. Sell them at will.
If I have left anything out, please let me know.
Posted by
Troop One
2:00 PM
Freezing rain and snow were in the forecast for the planned 50 mile bike tour of Crystal Lake and the Betsie River Pathway so the tour ride was moved to the Little Traverse Wheelway bike path.
The tour followed the Little Traverse Wheelway bike path from Charlevoix, through Petoskey to Harbor Springs and back for a nice 50 mile ride. Troop 1 Scouts completing the 50 mile tour and earning their Cycling Merit Badge were (nick names only) - Ankle Biter, ASPL-N, Butters, Doughy, and Oak Tree. CONGRATULATIONS!
Riding the the 50 mile tour with the Scouts were Mr. Schlak, Mr. Neff, and ASPL-K. The group did not bring a camera but there are several stories and interesting sites the cyclist can share with the rest of Troop 1, just ask!
Master Angler was also on the ride and completed one of his 25 mile ride requirements. The Scoutmaster and BronzeDragon cycled with Master Angler.
Posted by
Troop One
2:24 PM
Mr. Marsh is looking for Scouts who wish to work on this Eagle Required merit badge as a group. We plan to have merit badge work sessions for about 15 minutes before each Wednesday Troop meeting or at any other times the group agrees to meet. We can start the first week of November and, if you put the effort in, could complete the requirements for this merit badge by the end of the year!
See the Scoutmaster to get your Blue Card before the end of October and see Mr. Marsh about joining the group!
Posted by
Troop One
8:25 AM
When: Saturday October 22, 2005. The ride will start at 10:00 AM.
You must have: 1) A bike in good working order; 2) A helmet; 3) WATER!
The planned ride:
Meet at 2570 Crystal Drive, Beulah, MI.
Ride east on Crystal Drive along beautiful Crystal Lake to US-31, Beulah - 6
miles - Paved County Road
Ride south on various city streets to the Betsie River Pathway Trail - 1
mile - Paved Streets - No riding on US-31!
Ride west on the Betsie River Pathway along beautiful Crystal Lake and the
scenic Betsie River to M-22, Frankfort - 11 miles - 3 miles crushed gravel
bike path - 8 miles paved bike path
Ride north on M-22 to 2570 Crystal Drive - 7 miles - Paved State Highway.
This stretch of M-22 is part of the Lake Michigan Circle Tour and has an
extra wide brim for biking.
Stop for lunch and repeat the above rout.
Total ride 50 miles, estimated ride time 6.5 hours.
Please let me know if you will be at this ride!
Directions to 2570 Crystal Drive will be available at the October 12th and
October 19th Troop meetings.
Posted by
Troop One
2:51 PM
The 2005 Wreath selling season is upon us. Scouts will be selling wreaths to earn money for their scouting accounts. Both Balsam and Douglas Fir Mix wreaths are available ranging in size from 22" to 60". Garland in 25' sections of either Balsam, Cedar, or Douglas Fir Mixed along with Candy Cane shaped wreaths, Balsam Crosses, and Mixed Swags are also among the items available. New this year is a cute Evergreen Porch Pot. The tree can be later planted in your yard for a Christmas type feeling all year long. This would be an excellent gift for someone without enough space for a large Christmas Tree. And let's not forget the fabulous Holiday Mix Wreath (27"). This wreath was previewed last year at one of our committee meetings and looked fabulous. It had the committee members actually "fighting" (not really) over who would get to take it home. So...guys...get out there and sell...sell...sell... and earn that money for your account. Wreath orders are due by October 26th for a delivery of approximately November 16th.
Posted by
7:11 AM
The Northern District will be conducting their annual Adult Indoor Leader Training on Saturday, November 12 at the LDS Church in Petoskey. The training will begin at 8:00 AM and run until about 3:00 PM. All adults (leaders, and parents alike) are encouraged to attend. A vast amount of information will be given regarding Webelos to Scouts transition, the Troop Committee and its organization, fundraising, advancement, program planning, and much...much...more. Oh!! And by the way!!! The cost is FREE!!!
Posted by
6:19 PM
Several Troop 1 Scouts will be participating in the Gaylord Soccer League fall playoff tournament this weekend. October 7 - 9. The matches should all be exciting.
Look for U-14 Boys action on Field One and U-12 Boys action on Field Three. Troop 1 has three Scouts on three different teams in the U-14 division and two Scouts on two different teams in the U-12 division.
The tournament begins Friday, October 7, at 6 PM and continues on Saturday and Sunday with first matches starting at 9 AM and final matches starting at 3 PM.
Troop 1 also has Scouts participating on the Gaylord Middle School and Gaylord Junior Varsity football teams. Scouts or adults in the know about game dates and times can send an update to troop1.gaylord@gmail.com.
Posted by
Troop One
8:57 AM
When: Saturday October 8, 2005. The ride must start no later than 11:00 AM.
You must have: 1) A bike in good working order; 2) A helmet; 3) WATER!
The planned ride:
Meet at Pine Baron Pathway on Lone Pine Rd (West Otsego Lake drive to Old
Alba Rd. to Lone Pine) 10:45 at the latest.
Ride one lap around the outer loop of the Pine Baron Pathway - 6 miles -
Trail riding
Ride one loop around any one of the four inner loop trails - 2 miles - Trail
Ride Lone Pine Rd. to Old Alba Rd. - 1 mile - Paved residential road
Old Alba Road to West Otsego Lake Drive - 2.5 miles - Paved county road
West Otsego Lake Road to Mancelona Road - 5 miles - Paved county road - most
with wide brim for bikes. Climb and descend the newly paved West Otsego Lake
Rd. hill from the east side and the west side!
Reverse the West Otsego Lake Rd to Lone Pine Rd. ride - 8.5 miles
Total ride 25 miles, estimated ride time 3.5 hours.
Please let me know if you will be at this ride! If no one else can make
this 25 mile ride, we can come up with an alternative for another 25 mile
ride and the final 50 mile tour.
The Pine Baron Pathway is trail riding. It is an easier trail then the
single loop trail at Aspen Park. The trail is hard packed and wide enough
that you can ride two wide. There are no switch backs and it is a fairly
flat trail. The Whoopsy Loop has the most grade. It has one short incline
that may have some Scouts walking up.
http://www.fishweb.com/maps/otsego/hike/pine_baron/ for a trail map.
Posted by
Troop One
8:45 AM